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Congratulations! You just graduated from college! It truly is an exciting time. You are done with school and have a world of possibilities. All your dreams and goals now feel like they can be achieved and you can take on the world! Graduating from college can also be a confusing time. There is so much going on and everyone is...

A financial coach works one on one with a client in order to help their client achieve a goal. Financial coaches, as you may have guessed, have expertise in finance. This covers a broad range of topics: budgeting, saving, college planning, retirement, and many more. Financial coaches take the time to sit down with you and walk through your unique...

We all need some motivation, messages to keep us moving forward. People seek out motivation in times when they are scared, feel weak, or don't have the energy to themselves to push forward. Here, you will find inspiring quotes to remind you what you are capable of:

Have you ever felt that you didn't have a handle of your money? Do you feel scared, or stressed, every month wondering what to pay and how much you can afford to spend?

After many years of hard work, you kick off those sandals, cold drink in hand, and stare at that lovely oceanic scenery. Or maybe you're in Europe, exploring places and sights you've only read about. How about some quiet time at home with the grandchildren? Whatever your ideal retirement vision is, you probably can't wait to get there. In order...